IV sedation is a favored choice for individuals facing severe dental fear or a medical condition that has hindered dental procedures in the past. This technique involves administering medication directly into the bloodstream, offering immediate ease and comfort to the patient. Dr. Bond has undergone comprehensive education and training to acquire his license for IV sedation. This method of sedation dentistry is both safe and efficient, with patients typically having minimal to no recollection of their dental procedure. A key benefit of IV Sedation Dentistry is its efficiency, allowing Dr. Bond and his team to conduct extensive treatments in a single visit, rather than requiring multiple visits.

Should you and Dr. Bond decide that IV Sedation is the best approach for your situation, it is crucial to arrange for a family member (or a responsible adult) to transport you to and from your appointment, ensuring your safety and the safety of others.

To learn more about IV sedation’s advantages and how we can enhance the comfort of your dental visit, we encourage you to contact our office at 303-772-8020 today. Do not hesitate to reach out with any inquiries.